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Things You Should Know About The Future Of Visual Effects

an angry dragon flying in the sky and burning boat in the water

The media and entertainment industry are constantly evolving throughout its history. If you looked at the movies from a hundred years back, color imaging was virtually non-existent. What's more, movies were simply a collective of still images that were fast-forwarded in quick succession. That's where the name movie originates, you see, from "moving image"!

Fast forward a hundred years, and today, not only do we see our movies in color, but they are far more high-definition than ever. Look at the first Terminator movie and the second one; there is already a giant leap. The difference is like salt and sugar if you move ahead to successive franchise iterations.

We live in an exciting time when the media and movie industry is going through its most revolutionary phase. We are discussing the ever-increasing inclusion of special and visual effects to create cutting-edge animations and character designs like never before.

If you want to join this exciting new opportunity, consider looking into the visual effects course after 12th at Starblast Animation. But before you do, look at the VFX industry's brilliant future. Keep reading to know everything!

The VFX Industry: Back to the Future?

a space odyssey movie vfx

If you have watched some iconic sci-fi movies like Back to the Future or 2001: A Space Odyssey, you will know how crucial VFX was in creating the stunning visuals of those movies. Flash forward 30 years, and VFX plays a more critical role than ever in creating beautiful and visually captivating films.

These are some of the exciting new arenas that we can expect:

Virtual Production

Virtual production is a revolutionary cinematography technique that is taking the movie world by storm. It involves using virtual sets customizable in real-time to create more realistic and immersive visuals.

Most people do not realize the production challenges in terms of weather and lighting conditions that movie production teams face. While there is always a perfect take, sometimes it may take months to get the right conditions to shoot.

With virtual production, all of this is bypassed effectively. As technology has advanced, the technique has become more cost-effective. In a recent movie, "The Mandalorian," the production team built a massive wall of LED panels to display the set background, which was rendered using gaming engines.

And to speak nothing of our favourite superheroes, The Avengers movies were all rendered using CGI backgrounds and world elements. The actors performed in a controlled environment using motion capture suits, which were then generated in 3D animation modules, creating the final output.

In another instance, the 2020 movie, "The Irishman," won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects for its clever use of VFX to edit the actors' ages according to the year they were living in. The legendary director, Martin Scorsese, has openly admitted that the movie would have never been made without virtual production and VFX.

AI and Machine Learning in VFX

a man is communicating with a vfx ai

Another singular achievement of our times is the phenomenal advancement of AI and machine learning technology. AI is now more adept than ever in creating immersive graphics. Editors can make a shot look like it was hand-painted if they want. At the same time, they can make it as hyper realistic as they wish.

AI is also increasingly being used in sync with motion capture technology. It provides a lot more processing power than possible through regular processors. It is helping to create far more detailed CGIs and capturing motion elements that were previously impossible to render.

avatar 2 movie underwater scene with sea creature and pandora

If you look at the Avatar 2 movie and the stunning level of detail in the film, you can imagine what AI can do for the VFX industry. Avatar 2 pushed all the boundaries of modern moviemaking technology. From AR to VFX and AI machine learning, it has used every trick in the book to give a movie that astonishes on every level.

Come To Starblast Animation For the Latest VFX Education Technology Courses

Starblast Animation is an animation and VFX training institute in Kolkata based in Kolkata. We provide industry-centered specialization courses in both animation and VFX. We are headed by a formidable team of experts with years of experience in the animation industry, having worked in some of the top-rated and critically acclaimed animation movies. From Hollywood to Bollywood, our faculty experts have real-time experience in working on a global scale. As an aspirant, Starblast Animation can do wonders for your career and help you carve a niche in the media industry.


Make a career in the VFX industry with a specialization course from our esteemed institute. We provide the best infrastructure and quality learning that can help you know about real scenarios and challenges you will face at your workplace. Become a part of this expanding industry and enjoy a creative and prosperous career!

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Advance 3D Character Animation Pro

Duration : 24 months

Eligibility : 10th pass or higher

Advance VFX Pro

Duration : 15 months

Eligibility : 10th pass or higher

Advanced Compositing Pro

Duration : 12 months

Eligibility : 10th pass or higher

Starblast Animation